ѧ���������� �п�ӣ�����������֣�-亚博安卓下载




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���������л�ݽ�:and�� bothhellip��and...��neitherhellip��nor�� not onlyhellip��but also...��

������ѡ��: or�� eitherhellip��or��

������ת�ۻ��ò�: but��although�� though�� however�� even though�� in spite of�� on the contrary��

�������ա�: like�� unlike�� while��

����������: for example�� such as�� that#39��s to say��

������ǿ��: in fact�� of course�� besides��

������ʱ��˳��: when�� after�� before��as soon as�� soon��after��

�����������ϵ: because�� since�� as�� for�� for this reason��as a result��

����������: in a word�� to sum up��in summary�� in conclusion�� on the whole.





�������н׶�ӣ��д�����õľ�ʽ���£�there behellip����the morehellip��the morehellip����its adj for sb to do something��i think/believe/supposehellip�������ӣ� it cant be put into realexperiment.�������ȡ�






�������磺���������my dream �у��󲿷ֵ����ķ�����ͣ���ڱ����ϡ���������ӣ�i want to be a good father because my daddy was always so busy when i was a little boy.he had no time with me and my mumhellip����ȼ���µ��ijɲ����ǻܺã�����������ʵ�у���������ķ��ĸо���ҳ�ǻ����¡�


�����ھ��ӵ�ijщλ�ã����ӹ��ʣ�����ʹ���ӻ��ķθ�������ζ����������ԡ��磺i really enjoy the beauty of the sea in thesun. ����һ��really�����зḻ�ˡ�


