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wordy: we wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of november 14 with the check for stg.10 enclosed and wish to thank you for same. concise: we appreciate your letter of november 14 and the check for stg. 10 you sent with it.������
wordy: we take liberty to approach you with the request that you would be kind enough to introduce to us some exporters of cotton textiles in your cities. would you please introduce to us some exporters of cotton textiles in your city�� concise: ��a please introduce to us some exporters of cotton textiles in your city. ��bwould you please introduce to us some exporters of cotton textiles in your city. ��ע��������ı��﷽ʽ�ܶࡣ���� ҫ������˵����������
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��ҫд ӧд�� please see that an enquiry is conducted to determine the reason. please find out the reason. we express our regret at being unable to fulfill your order on this occasion. we are sorry we cannot meet your present order. ҫʹ�ü������ԣ��п��ܵļ��� ����ʹ�õ���������ijщ���������ķ��ɾȥ����ҫ�����ݴʣ������о����е����ݴʻ�ɾȥ��ӱ����ӵ�ԭ�⣺
the proposal is under ��active consideration. the answer is ��definitely correct. i would ��rather think the fare is too high. the ��true facts are as stated.���� ҫע��ÿ����ӵij���
quot��we would like to know whether you would allow us to extend the time of shipment for twenty days�� and if you would be so kind as to allow us to do so�� kindly give us your reply by cable without delay.quot�� ��仰����quot������quot����ʹ���ӹ����������������ҫ��է�ͬ�����ڽ���20�죬һ������£�ӧ����������ڵ���һ��ľ������ڡ���仰��ѹ��ϊ��quot��please reply by telegram immediately if you will allow us to delay the shipment until april 21.quot������ͬ�����ǰѽ������ڵ����¶�ʮһ�գ���縴���е�����ϊ��ʹ���ǽ�ס����ʹ�ó¾ɵ���ҵ���ר��ѡ����һщ����ϊ�¾ɵ���ҵ������һ��ʫ��
we beg to advise and wish to state that yours has arrived of recent date. we have it before us�� its contents noted�� herewith enclosed are the prices we quoted. attached please find�� as per your request�� the data you wanted�� and not let us suggest your order be sent�� and not held unduly�� we beg to remain�� yours most truly.courtesy���quot����òquot����
���ǹ����������һ����鼮�����ձ�ŀ�������νcourtesy��quot����������������quot������˼���е������� courtesy��politeness������ͬ������˱ƚϣ���ϊ��politeness�ŀ���ֻ�dz��������µ�����ϣ���courtesy������ڶզէ���quot������quot�������磺a we have received with many thanks your letter of oct.7�� and we take the pleasure of sending you latest catalog. we wish to draw your attention to a special offer�� which we have made in it. polite
b you will be particularly interested in a special offer on page 5 of the latest catalog enclosed�� which you requested in your letter of oct. 7.
you ought to perhaps you couldhellip��hellip�� your letter is not clear at all�� i can#39��t understand it. if i understand your letter correctly... obviously�� if you#39��d read your policy carefully�� you#39��d be able to answer these questions yourself. sometimes policy wording is a little hard to understand glad to clear up these questions for you. courtesy