
����b. parsimony. . contradicts

������σ�����֪�������г�����in spite of����ͱ����ո�ط����ӧ������仰�е�һ����ϣ������˼�෴����ô������ҫ�ȱѻ��仰����˼ū�����ˣ�the group knew they had to arrive at a consensus so that the award could be presented �����������֪�����dz��ò����һ������ա�������������ǿ�����������һ����ҳ����ǰ����е�their opinions�����ӧ�����ԣ��ո񴦾�ӧ����arrive at a consensus����˼�෴������ѡ���е��ʵ���˼��ֻ��eѡ����������⡣��ȷѡ����e��





����e polarity �����ˡ�


����though ��ʾת�ۣ�largesse����˼�� �����������ǿ�˵����һ����ӧ����largesse���෴����˼�����������ų���ade����ѡ����ڶ�����ӧ����һ���с���ʾ����˼�ĵʣ����ԣ�betray�����պ��ʣ����ԣ���ȷ��ӧѡc.



����c judiciousness �����ǡ�

����a. charity. . confirms

����d. integrity. . reveals


����e. generosity. . bespeaks



����in spite of the increasing _______ of their opinions, the group knew they had to arrive at a consensus so that the award could be presented.



����c. judiciousness

����b consistency ��һ����, �����ԡ�


���������ź�ϵ�ľ��ӻܶ࣬���dz���but, yet, however, nevertheless, although, (even though, while, whereas, notwithstanding, despite, in spite of, in contrast (to, on the contrary, on the other hand, whatever, otherwise, ironically, paradoxically, curiously, surprisingly �ȴ���ת����ת�������ŀ�������ո����ȷѡ�������������������������ŵķ���ʹ�ϵ��

�����ؼ���though, largesse.


����though his contemporaries tended to fixate on the politician's supposed _______��his personal correspondence _______ a surprising largesse.

����d. incisiveness

����d incisiveness ����̣����ҡ�



����a impartiality, ����ƫ����, ����, ��ƽ��

����e. polarity

����b. consistency

����c. avarice. . betrays

����a. impartiality

