and wemay never know the exact ownership picture at the hea|dre,˵������-亚博安卓下载

�����������˹����׼ȷ��dr.dre����4.5����Ԫ��ϊ�������һλ�����̡������ͬ�������30����Ԫ��˾15%�ĺɷݡ�beats��ƻ�����ڴ������޻�ӧ��dr.dre�ĺ�ȩ��ϣҳ�в���ȷ�������ϊ��ʮ�ڡ������������̣�ŀǰdr.dre��������󡣣�Ԫ����������ëë �룩

����it was only a couple of weeks ago thatforbes released the 2014 edition of its annual list of hip-hop��s wealthiestartists, and this year��s list came with new bit of intrigue in theintroduction: somebody atop the list, the authors wrote, will soon become thefirst hip-hop billionaire.



����if the forbes estimates are correct, dr.dre needs about 450 million more dollars to become hip-hop��s first billionaire�� equal to a 15% stake in a $3 billion company. neither beats nor appleaapl-0.18% is talking about the reported deal yet, so these are early days, and wemay never know the exact ownership picture at the headphone maker. but in therap race to ten figures, dr. dre is now likely to be in first place.


����but here��s what has been previouslyreported: when the carlyle group invested $500 million for a minority stake inbeats, it gave the company a valuation of over $1 billion. at the time, beatswas majority owned by its founders, dr. dre and music mogul jimmy iovine.

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����for all the mentions of the word��billionaire�� in rap songs (the search results at rapgenius appear to scrollendlessly into the horizon, there were really only a few candidates to get to10 figures first: sean ��diddy�� combs, dr. dre, and jay z. each turned a waywith words and a talent for producing music into sprawling empires includingrecord labels, fashion brands and endorsement deals, and diddy was rankednumber one on the list, with a fortune estimated at $700 million.


����dr. dre overtook jay z to claim secondplace in the list, propelled by his stake in beats electronics, the headphonemaker that is in the process of being bought by apple for a price tag north of$3 billion. beats is a closely held company that does not disclose financial orownership information, so establishing a value for dre��s stake in the companyinvolves a healthy degree of guesswork.

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