����on longtime partner rima horton�� ��i think every relationship should be allowed to have its own rules�� shelsquo;s tolerant�� shes incredibly tolerant�� unbelievably tolerant�� possibly a candidate for sainthood����
�����ҷ��ڰ�ɫ˿���ְ��ֺޡ���white silk��ʲô�ض��ĺ�������ָ�̡���
����i do feel more myself in america�� i can regress there�� and they have roller-coaster parks��
������������rima horton������ϊÿ�ֹ�ϵ����ѭ��ȼ��ԭ�����ܿ��ݣ����ݵ�����˼��������ġ������������ȥ��ʥͽ�ˡ�
����on not being a father�� ��i love to travel and i donlsquo;t have children�� so there is a certain freedom����
�������־�ӣ����������������������ա���ס��������alan rickman��ȥ��������69�꣬������֤ʵ����ϣ�������ǰ�֢������������ݹ��ܶ�ӱ�ӡ�ϸ����ʒ���硶���������ء���˹���մ��ڡ�yule.sohu.com true ���� report 1491 ����-�����������ͼ������ѷ��ӣ����������������������ա���ס��������alanrickman��ȥ��������69�꣬������֤ʵ����ϣ�������ǰ�֢������������ݹ�
����i have a love-hate relationship with white silk��
����i do take my work seriously and the way to do that is not to take yourself too seriously��